Sunday, April 19, 2009


早晨起的早,没什么事情做,也没什么心情,一早就收到朋友的sms, 约我逛街去,我拒绝了, 因为懒惰兼没心情……所以就上网浏览facebook, 下载新歌……待了约2个小时在电脑前, 又跑回床上眠一眠。时间到了十点多,收到了朋友的sms, 约了一起吃早午餐。

回到家后,收拾了一些肮脏的衣服,丢进洗衣机然后又继续上网。。。好巧的是我在MSN放了offline mode, GT竟然懂我在线上, 还MSN我呢!!!真是炸到!!难道这就是所谓的心有灵犀一点通吗?不愧是我的DARLING噢。。。。呵呵呵。。

再过2天,我就要去旅游了。好期待这一次的旅行噢,虽然只是乘搭Star Cruise,从 SG---->Pulau Redang ---->SG 。。。3天2夜在船上,1天1夜在SG。。。。可是我已很满足了,必竟是第一次和好朋友们一起出外旅行。那种喜悦的心情,应该谁都能了解吧!嘻嘻嘻。。。。还没想到要携带什么服饰去呢!至于兑换钱币的问题,目前还算解决,还好Dennis 可以和我兑换,省的我特地跑下KL,只是与他碰面难一点。


就这样, 写一写Blog,MSN,听歌,时间已来到3时多了,要继续看我的连续集了。。。。。。

Monday, April 6, 2009

Nothing special day....

Here im back to update my blog lor........All this has to thank to MR Dennis, complaint that i din write anything for him to read......In fact, it's realy really has been quite some time i din update my blog ...

Mr..Know you re bored in China now, got nothing to do there rite? Sure u miss us lots there ler...Who ask you "Pi GU" itchy, change job tat fast??? U should wait for us ma...kekekekkee.....Mr..just wan to let u know that, u re no alone there ya. U got us mentally support u....hahaha....u can always email us if you feel bored/free in China/SG.

Nee they all plan to organize BBQ at Regine's house, there she thinks of you and asked me when u will be back from China, so that u can join us. See!!! This is wat frenship called. Feel touch or not ler??? Who knows, u cant make it...But nvm la...cause i cant make it also....kekeke...wait till next time ya.

k la..stop talking about you here, here comes to my topic. Start bout my new life first. the recent of "me", kinda enjoy single life, though its not really colourful but its peaceful at least. No worrying, no missing, more freedom, more spaces, more time and etc... I knew there is still few ppl worrying bout me and now i want to announce that im realy fine here. I can take it and put down. Currently is enjoying the most of my single life . ..:> Im no longer '执着" with something/someone which is not belongs to me now....To all my frens, no worries bout me ya.....^_^.. Its time for me to stop here lo, else MR will come and ask me "can i read ur blog edi?" again!!!!!!!