Saturday, December 26, 2009

Sis's big day

Sis, u re finally married. Im so proud to be ur witness today. The moment seeing you and ur hubby said "I DO". Its really touching. Knewing that you and ur hubby were very nervous when the ceremony starts. Bit funny lar......bro in law was so blur blur dei.

Daddy and mummy really "she bu de" u ler...Mummy curi curi "mengalir air mata" when the ceremony held in half way. After out from the room, christina saw mummy got "air mata" then shout it out..made mummy bit pai seh....wakakka.....but i felt funny...

Mummy, i may not understand d feeling when daughter get marry. At first, i thought no much difference cause we are staying far away from you also even though we are not married. Heard you said the feeling is different cause daughter edi "JIA CHU QU"...from ur perspective, daughter edi belongs to others jor, got her own family, may not come back always, got 2 families need to take care of and so on....bla bla bla.....

Mom, we promised you that we will still continue to love and care of u and daddy no matter wat's d status we are. I believed that although sis get married but her cares towards you and daddy wont be lesser. U still got daughter with additional daughter in law back.......

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas of 2009...

Special christmas year for me........first time spent christmas together with frens and my family after out to KL for so many yeaars....

One year down to the road, there were many changes. Think back on last christmas, i was spending my christmas with someone special. Ate shushi, shop shop, then went back. Although no much things we did together, but it was satisfied.

Different experiences experienced and tat made my life become more meaningful. Its not jusst bout happy ending...:p........And tat i knew, life isnt just u......

Life is bout everything and we shuld respect it and live without any regrettion......
2009's wishes, had achieved half.....another half will kambateh in year 2010......

Wishing i have a great year ahead.....:P

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Recently, lots changes happened on me.........changed new job, shifted to new house and start new life..........................

Talking bout the new super free this month. Nothing to do in the office except reading! First time read SOP for so long, quite a boring and relaxing month for me. Super free till im getting more "blur blur". Next month start training....dun know how it will be like. Hopefully can catch up faster. Pray hard everything can going smooth...

Of course my new home, its really home sweet home! Feel so comfortable with own house even though im not the owner...:P Thanks to my sis and her hubby for bring us a new, comfortable house...After got the house, life become more busier...need to do household, wash clothes, cooking, bla bla bla.......more things to do in overall! wakakaka...but i like this lind of life, it make me feel like im living for something else...

Besides, recently contact back with someone to know that"he" is fine now and the most important thing is"he" is doing well there. The feeling is so familiar and yet nice.....

to be continue.........................................

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My personality.....

Its time for me to build up myself after decided to do so. I have to remind myself that there is no way for me to look back and think again. I must stay firm with the decision that i had made and keep moving on, no matter is work related or others.

I heard someone said, im the kind like mumbling lots at first and then at the end still will accept too. She added "actually u got answer in your heart already, you just wan to find ppl to support you." Its true! Cause i really no confidence in myself though most of the ppl ard me said "u can make it, u can do it and bla bla bla." Be honestly, i felt stress when ppl said like this. I scared will disapponted those ppl who really look "high" on me. I hate to bring the disappointment to ppl. The feeling is really suck.......

Even, i myself also not trusting on my own when situated in the decision making. Felt like always make the wrong decision and lost the ability to make judgement.............

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Stuck at somewer else...

Recently, felt like everything around me went not so smooth .....Till date, i still dun know wat i want and how to make decision..."Life is great!!" My fren just told me recently....It seems like applied to her but not for me....

Now, for me, the life not really great! Or i dun know how to appreciate it?? Wan or dun wan?? Its just a simple word and seems like very easy....but how come it makes ppl so difficult to choose and decide??

Been thinking for it quite sometime....will it comes too early for me? Shuld i giv up? Shuld i trust it? Is it the right decision i made? headache.....dun care tat much ler... Better put more attention on the other thing....... Wish that "life is really great" apply to me....

Sunday, April 19, 2009


早晨起的早,没什么事情做,也没什么心情,一早就收到朋友的sms, 约我逛街去,我拒绝了, 因为懒惰兼没心情……所以就上网浏览facebook, 下载新歌……待了约2个小时在电脑前, 又跑回床上眠一眠。时间到了十点多,收到了朋友的sms, 约了一起吃早午餐。

回到家后,收拾了一些肮脏的衣服,丢进洗衣机然后又继续上网。。。好巧的是我在MSN放了offline mode, GT竟然懂我在线上, 还MSN我呢!!!真是炸到!!难道这就是所谓的心有灵犀一点通吗?不愧是我的DARLING噢。。。。呵呵呵。。

再过2天,我就要去旅游了。好期待这一次的旅行噢,虽然只是乘搭Star Cruise,从 SG---->Pulau Redang ---->SG 。。。3天2夜在船上,1天1夜在SG。。。。可是我已很满足了,必竟是第一次和好朋友们一起出外旅行。那种喜悦的心情,应该谁都能了解吧!嘻嘻嘻。。。。还没想到要携带什么服饰去呢!至于兑换钱币的问题,目前还算解决,还好Dennis 可以和我兑换,省的我特地跑下KL,只是与他碰面难一点。


就这样, 写一写Blog,MSN,听歌,时间已来到3时多了,要继续看我的连续集了。。。。。。

Monday, April 6, 2009

Nothing special day....

Here im back to update my blog lor........All this has to thank to MR Dennis, complaint that i din write anything for him to read......In fact, it's realy really has been quite some time i din update my blog ...

Mr..Know you re bored in China now, got nothing to do there rite? Sure u miss us lots there ler...Who ask you "Pi GU" itchy, change job tat fast??? U should wait for us ma...kekekekkee.....Mr..just wan to let u know that, u re no alone there ya. U got us mentally support u....hahaha....u can always email us if you feel bored/free in China/SG.

Nee they all plan to organize BBQ at Regine's house, there she thinks of you and asked me when u will be back from China, so that u can join us. See!!! This is wat frenship called. Feel touch or not ler??? Who knows, u cant make it...But nvm la...cause i cant make it also....kekeke...wait till next time ya.

k la..stop talking about you here, here comes to my topic. Start bout my new life first. the recent of "me", kinda enjoy single life, though its not really colourful but its peaceful at least. No worrying, no missing, more freedom, more spaces, more time and etc... I knew there is still few ppl worrying bout me and now i want to announce that im realy fine here. I can take it and put down. Currently is enjoying the most of my single life . ..:> Im no longer '执着" with something/someone which is not belongs to me now....To all my frens, no worries bout me ya.....^_^.. Its time for me to stop here lo, else MR will come and ask me "can i read ur blog edi?" again!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。 如果你不给自己烦恼,别人也永远不可能给你烦恼。因为你自己的内心,你放不下。 好好的管教你自己,不要管别人。你随时要认命,因为你是人。 这个世界本来就是痛苦的,没有例外的。

你什么时候放下,什么时候就没有烦恼。每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。 当你烦恼的时候,你就要告诉你自己,这一切都是假的,你烦恼什么? 根本不必回 头去看咒骂你的人是谁,如果有一条疯狗咬你一口,难道你也要趴下去反咬他一口吗?

忌妒 别人,不会给自己增加任何的好处。忌妒别人,也不可能减少别人的成就。 永远不要浪费你的一分一秒,去想任何你不喜欢的人。 得不到的东西,我们会一直以为他是美好的,那是因为你对他了解太少,没有时间与他相处在一起。当有一天,你深入了解后,你会发现原不是你想像中的那么美好。 这个世间只有圆滑,没有圆满的。 不要刻意去猜 测他人的想法,如果你没有智慧与经验的正确判断,通常都会有错误的。你要感谢告诉你缺点的人。 时间总会过去的,让时间流走你的烦恼吧! 不要因 为小小的争执,远离了你至亲的好友,也不要因为小小的怨恨,忘记了别人的大恩。 感 谢上苍我所拥有的,感谢上苍我所没有的。 当你手中抓住一件 东西不放时,你只能拥有这件东西,如果你肯放手,你就有机会选择别的。

人的心若死执自己的观念,不肯放下,那么他的智慧也只能达到某种程度而已。 如果你能 够平平安安的渡过一天,那就是一种福气了。多少人在今天已经见不到明 天的太阳,多少人在今天已 经成了残废,多少人在今天已经失去了自由,多少人在今天已经家破人亡。 恶口永远不要出自于我们的口中,不管他有多坏,有多恶。你愈骂他,你的心就被污染了,你要想,他就是你的善知识。
你不要常常 觉得自己很委曲,你应该要想,他对我这样已经很好了,这就是修行的功夫。 世界原本就不是属于你,因此你用不着抛弃,要抛弃的是一切的 执著。万物皆为我所用,但非我所属。 学会用理解的,欣 赏的眼光去看对方,而不是以自以为是的关心去管对方。

成熟的人不问过去;聪明的人不问现在;豁达的人不问未来。 发光并非太阳的专利,你也可以发光。你可以用爱得到全世界,你也可以用恨失去全世界。 爱的力量大到可以使人忘记一切,却又小到连一粒嫉妒的沙石也不能容纳。 人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。 如你想要拥有完美无暇的友谊,可能一辈子找不到朋友。

Friday, February 27, 2009

The end of our story

Almost 1 month, we had been separated into different life............
How re u recently? Doing well there? Get used with the life w/o me?
Till now, im still what I am !
Continue my life with full of works, stay late almost everyday, hanging out with frens....
I still dun dare to stop my bz life.......
I scared once I stop, I only realize that I cant put down......
I will continue to do what im doing now....
I know that it’s impossible for us to be togethe....
There are many obstacles in between us........
From the day you decided to do so, I know there's the end of our story......
I will still keep u inside my deep heart and let it be a wonderful memory of us.......
Thanks for these 4 years + + 's caring, loving, patience........
I will always remember the happiness, sadness, laughness in between you and me....
Sorry that i cant continue to be your best one.....
Last, wish u can find the best partner to be with for the rest of your life.....

Sunday, February 15, 2009




我们那麽甜 那麽美
那麽疯 那麽热烈的曾经

Sunday, February 1, 2009



Sunday, January 18, 2009



一旁好奇的朋友问说:为什麽我打了你以後,你要写在沙子上,而现在要刻在石头上呢?另个笑笑的回答说:当被一个朋友伤害时,要写在易忘的地方,风会负责抹去它;相反的如果被帮助,我们要把它刻在心里的深处,那里任何风都不能抹灭它。朋友的相处伤害往往是无心的,帮助却是真心的,忘记那些无心的伤害; 铭记那些对你真心帮助,你会发现这世上你有很多真心的朋友...

俗语说:你只需要花一分钟注意到一个人;一小时内变成朋友:一天让你爱上他;一但真心爱上 . . .你却需要花上一生的时间将他遗忘,直至喝下那孟婆汤...



云在走 雨在飘
心在烧 泪在掉 你的背叛没有人知道
就当作是乞讨 哪怕说出口只需要一秒
我的痛像把刀 血在流看得到
你却在 她怀抱 微笑
如果连自尊都已经不再需要 这个世界什么爱你买不到
天真全部可以倒掉 海誓山盟变成一种玩笑 如果连誓言都已经不再重要
还有什么事值得你去骄傲 所有承诺随风燃烧

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Love just ain't enough

Sometimes when you love someone very much, you have to go through every tear, every heart-ache and every pain. It is because in the end, not how much you love but how much you hold on.

Real true love is having all the things go wrong but still having a special way to love despite of all the wrong things that had happened. Learn to forgive and love again

Listen contains the same letters as silent. Listen to the silence of the heart; hear what it says so that you’ll know what will make u happy.

Life is a series of steps,
Each step leads to joyful surprises and some with happy conclusions. Let the love in your heart be your guide as you step to your full potential.

Everyone must learn to be patient with loneliness. Happiness begins from within. If we can’t tolerate being alone, its more likely that we haven found our happiness yet.

Sometimes, things may change, plans may fail, joy may fades and excitements go.
Then, you will start to ask why. But when you look above, all worries depart.

There’s a danger in loving somebody too much
And it’s sad when you know it’s your heart u cant trust
There’s a reason why people don’t say who they are
Maybe sometimes love just ain’t enough

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


1. 不要批評別人,因為批評有可能會傷害到寶貴的自尊.
2. 常常想到自己的福氣
3. 常讚美,常給他人重要感,惟必須是真誠的,無企圖的。
4. 你可以失敗,但不要忘記從失敗中獲取教訓。
5. 有時候得不到你想要的,反而是一種福氣。有多少企業家沒有考取台大;有多少成功的人沒有出國留學。
6. 要對規定瞭如指掌,這樣你才知道如何突破。
7. 不要讓細微爭執傷害到珍貴得友誼。
8. 承認自己的錯誤,進而會道歉的人最能贏得尊敬。
9. 每天有一段獨處時光。
10. 相信自己是一個有潛力的人。
11. 學會克服憂慮與壓力,否則如何在變化快速的社會存活。
12. 重要的事先做。
13. 態度積極,充滿熱忱一年輕人剛進入社會可能以為專業能力最重要。
14. 熱情的接受改變,但不要放棄你的價值觀。
15. 學會溝通,記住,聽比說還重要,怎麼說比說什麼重要。
16. 每年去一個你從未去過的地方。
17. 重視家庭生活一幸福的家庭氣氛是人生的基石。
18. 沉默有時是最好的回答。
19. 終身學習,永不懈怠。

Back to blogging...

Finally, got time to update my blog and view other’s blog. The reason was being too busy with work stuffs for previous past few weeks. Almost everyday stay for OT, even weekend also has to work. It’s tiring, but i kinda enjoy this kind of life. Since when, I started don't like "free' time anymore.

Previously, I’m quite enjoy with "free" time, everyday think of to leave office on time and reluctant to stay for OT. Now, I’m so scared of "free" time given. With such busy life, i felt like my life more meaningful and useful. (This is what ppl usually called “犯賤”.) :> One thing for sure, is I can sleep well now. Even my appetite also got big “improvement”, just always will find toilet after eating only...... :P

I started realized that i shouldn't put all my attention/heart on certain thing only. I should focus on other things also. So that, I wont "xxxx” when falling down. Won't be that hurt!! Everything has to thank to THEM lo.... thanks for sharing the time, thanks for paying the bills, thanks for coming so far away to accompany me...I don know how long I still need to take to accept/face the fact, but I wont disappoint you guys ya. ~the end~

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year 2009

New Year......
New Beginning.......
New Chapter.......
Everyone is asking, what are your wishes for 2009? How you spent the last day of 2008?
I remain silence. I don’t know what should I wish for and I dun dare too. 2008 ended with unhappy. I scared of 2009 too. For sure, 2008 also got happy things happened. Just the year 2008 ended with not as what I wish and want.

Life always full with obstacles, I understand this and is learning up to accept and adapt to the changes. It seems like many things I need to learn up and build myself. I swore that I want to make my life more wonderful in 2009. Not for others, just for myself. I wan to make my life more colorful in 2009.

Continuously I was being in the depression for past few weeks, its time for me to tidy up my mood and start to look forward. Thanks Franky and Fionne for being at my side during this moment. After lunch with u all, I felt better. You guy’s advices are much more useful for me. I will consider and think about it properly. Franky, just wan to let you know that your driving skill really scary le and Fionne, your drinking skill also very lousy la. So easily get drunk. Trouble me to take care of you only. Next time, pls pls dun get yourself drunk!!!! I dun wan to take care of you guys liao la, cause I wan to get drunk also…hiak hiak hiak. ……

Take this opportunity, wan to wish all my family members Happy New Year! Stay healthy and be happy always! Wish everyone Happy New Year also and everything is going smooth in 2009.